Volume 10

Part 1

Fall 2008


May The President Appropriately Invoke God? Evaluating the Embryonic Stem Cell Votes

Samuel W. Calhoun

Unraveling the Establishment Clause: Legal and Other Practical Concern for the Church “Business”

Elizabeth Gingrech

The No Child Left Behind Act: Do We Really Want it to Leave All Religion Behind?

Theresa Lelinski

The Impact of Gonzales V. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao Do Vegetal, 560 U.S. 418 (2006) Amit Shah

New Developments

Tithing to the Vortex: The Secrecy of Financial Records in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint

Lynda L. Hinkle

The Eucahrist: An Expressive Sacrament or a Political Tool

Megan Knowlton

Religious Discrimination Over the Internet: Protected or Prohibited?

Megan Knowlton

Religious Discrimination of Effective Law Enforcement? The Appeal of a  Muslim Police Officer to Wear Her Khimar On-Duty Awaits Decision by Federal Judges: Kimberlie Webb V. City of Philadelphia, Civil Action No. 07-3081, March, 2008

Alexandra Marin

How the New Jersey Supreme Court Set a New Precedent With Respect to Religion-Based Hostile Work Environment Claims With its Holding in Cutler V. Dorn Kris Nejat
Part 2 Spring 2009


The Tides of Vatican Influence in Italian Reproductive Matters

Erica DiMarco

Sincere Prisoners

Joseph Glyn

Religious Freedom in India and Analysis of the Constitutionality of Anit-Conversion Jews

James Andrew Huff

Fidelity and Fairnerss: Mulieris Dignitatem’s Wisdom Relating to Marital Commitments, Contractual Relationships and the Roman Catholic Church

Kevin H. Govern

Religious Clubs and Non-Secondary Public Schools: Expanding the Scope of the Equal Access Act After Good News Club

Thomas B. McKernan III

The Bridge Connecting Pontius Pilate’s Sentencing of Jesus to the New Jersey Death Penalty Study Commission’s Concerns Over Executing the Innocent: When Human Beings With Inherently Human Flaws Determine Guilt or Innocence, and Life or Death

James B. Johnston

A Jewish Ethical Perspective to American Taxation Kenneth H. Ryesky, Esq

New Developments

Religious Music in Public Schools: The Disappointing Analysis in Stratechuk V. Board of Education, South Orange-Maplewood School District

Megan Knowlton

Internet-Ordained Ministries and Marriage in Pennsylvania: Bucks County and York County Disagree on Legality of Marriage According to the Pennsylvania Marriage Act

Alexandra Marin

Court Preserves Legitimacy of Religion Clause in Menes V. City of New York Kris Nejat

National Religious Freedom Moot Court Competition

In partnership with the National Religious Freedom Moot Court Board at George Washington University Law School, we are pleased to announce the 2009 competition’s “Best Breif” winners, Rachel Anderson (rtanderson@ucdavice.edu) and Asha Jennings(ashajennings@gmail.com) of the University of California, Davis. The problem authors were Trenton Bowen and Paul Williams, of GW, advised by Professors Ira “Chip” Lupu and Robert Tuttle. You may review the problem on which the brief is based at: Brief Problem Part 1 and  Brief Problem Part 2.

Wining Brief (LaBorde V. Naylor) Rachel Anderson & Asha Jennings